Mansfield Hall Collegiate Partnerships (MHCP) is an outreach service designed to assist colleges and universities to more efficiently serve students with high-functioning autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, executive function challenges, or similar diagnoses.  

Every institution enrolls these students; however, the services that will most likely help them succeed are often limited, creating retention challenges.  MHCP’s goal is to help colleges and universities retain and serve these students in a cost-efficient way by educating staff and faculty about this population of students and the best practices available to aid in their college success.  

We are motivated by a desire to change the conversation about students like ours and to help institutions recognize the value of supporting diverse learning styles.

MHCP offers assistance by:

  • Evaluating current services
  • Reviewing with key campus stakeholders how existing services can be improved to better support this population
  • Partnering with an individual institution to develop a useful set of readings, videos and exercises to help educate staff and faculty about this population
  • Offering workshops, both virtual and in person, to build capacity among faculty and professional and student staff, specifically in residence life, student activities, orientation, academic advising, counseling, recreation and community services
  • Helping parents better understand the intersection of services and support with an institution’s goal of graduating students who have the capacity for independent lives

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Perry LaRoque, Founder