The DSM-V is a cornucopia of diagnosis, but behind each constellation of strengths and challenges is a student and their family. Mansfield Hall is designed, from the ground up, to serve students who learn differently, and Mansfield Hall is uniquely suited to get to know each student as a full and complete person – and to help them set and achieve their own goals. We encourage families to reach out to the Admissions Team so we can learn more about your unique situation and begin the process of exploring a ‘fit’ with Mansfield Hall.

We can. Some students come to us already accepted at a local school, or with a specific school in mind. Other students are looking for guidance with this decision. Once a student is accepted to Mansfield Hall they will begin working with our team to determine which college is most appropriate. In making a recommendation we take into consideration student interests, the student’s academic history, their intended path, and other information. Additionally, if the team determines that the college the student is enrolled with is not a good fit, we have the capability of switching them to one of our other partner colleges or allowing them to take courses across multiple campuses.

Yes.  It is not necessary that students be accepted as fully-matriculating students when they first arrive. Students have the option to apply and be accepted and start (part-time) as a fully-matriculated student, but they also have the option of taking courses as a continuing education/non-matriculated student. This option is available to anyone. Non-matriculated courses are real classes, with real grades, and real credits on a real transcript. This allows students the opportunity to build credits that they can then use to transfer into the same school at a later date, or out to another institution.

Yes. Once it has been determined which college the student will attend our team will support the registration process. Registration will be linked with the student’s email address so while our team can support and guide the process, it will ultimately be the student’s responsibility to ensure that each step has been taken care of. It will be the responsibility of the student and family to monitor payment due dates and pay each semester’s bill directly to the college in a timely fashion.

Yes. While every college has their own set of unique guidelines that determines which courses they will and will not accept for transfer credit, Mansfield Hall guides students toward courses that will fulfill general education requirements and courses that will be easiest to transfer.

Mansfield Hall generally recommends that students take no less than two and no more than three courses during their first semester – and with success, students are encouraged to build up from there.

The reasoning behind this is that a reduced course load not only allows students to participate in all aspects of the Mansfield Hall experience, it also allows the student to begin college from a place of strength and set them up for the most success. The transition to college can be challenging on many levels, including being in a new place, forming new relationships, maintaining a new schedule, and experiencing a new level of academic expectations. We have found that students benefit from a schedule that allows them time for integration and assimilation for all the new skills they are acquiring, across multiple domains (of Living, Learning, Giving, and Engaging).

Mansfield Hall has established relationships with the Office of Student Services (names vary by institution) at each of the local colleges. When registering for courses and for academic accommodations, students can receive guidance from these offices as to which courses and professors will likely be best suited to their strengths and areas of need – and Mansfield Hall actively supports and facilitates this process. When possible, Mansfield Hall is able to recommend courses and professors that our students have taken in the past with success – but this may not be available in every instance.

Each student is registered with their school’s Office of Student Services (the names for this office vary by institution). Students provide a release of information which includes Mansfield Hall, and we are able to help our students secure and access the appropriate accommodations on campus. Typical accommodations include extra time for exams, a quiet exam space, access to course or professor notes, and the use of assistive technology – but accommodations will vary from student to student and are dependent on the institutions review of a student’s testing and paperwork. Although we typically cannot speak directly to professors, our team works closely with the Disability Services office to support students on their college campus.

Additionally, our students meet at least once per week with their Academic Director for academic support and case management. Case management involves a review of course progress and upcoming assignments (including a review of a student’s academic portal), executive functioning planning, task analysis, scaffolding, and chunking of assignments, and the scheduling of additional in-house or ancillary academic supports. We also support students to attain at least two “progress reports” from their professors to help them build the skills of self-monitoring progress throughout the semester.

Students are active in scheduling their Independent Study Time, where they will be expected to work independently on their course assignments, as well as Structured Study Time, which is available five days/week and includes direct support from our Academic Coaches and Writing Instructors. If more intensive support, or content-specific tutoring is required this may be an ancillary charge for out-of-house specialists, but will still be coordinated through the Academic Director.

For the most part, our student’s greatest academic needs are related to executive functioning, building college-level study skills, and task initiation. Additionally, learning how to produce college-level writing is often an area of growth for our students, which is why our Academic Team of Academic Directors, Academic Coaches, and Writing Instructors are available to support students with a comprehensive academic support plan. This support network is generally what is required to support student needs, but if a student requires more specific or intensive content area support the Academic Director will support students in connecting to the most applicable supports on campus or finding a content-specific tutor.

Yes. It is Mansfield Hall’s intention to prepare students for an increasingly independent college experience. All students are required to register with the Office of Disability Services (names vary by institution) on their campus. This office provides academic accommodations and is our primary point of contact at the institution. Students will also receive support in learning how to utilize writing centers, math labs, learning centers, and other academic support services, as recommended.

Yes. Mansfield Hall facilitates a goal setting process, known as our Pathway to Independence Model, and we are able to support students with organization, structure, and guidance as it relates to making progress toward reaching these goals.

In order for students to experience success at Mansfield Hall and in college in general, they must have the desire and volition to be successful. If this is present, Mansfield Hall is able to help students overcome challenges and barriers that may inhibit their progress toward their goals.

If Mansfield Hall determines that a student is at risk of failing one of their courses, the Academic Director will support the student in developing an Academic Action Plan to address these challenges and help students get back on track. In the event that successful completion of a course is determined to be unlikely, the Academic Director may recommend that the student withdraw from and audit the course so that the student may still use the course as an opportunity for learning and growth.

Yes.  Mansfield Hall’s team makes regular contact with families regarding both academic and social progress. Families can generally expect to receive weekly email updates (alternating between the Academic Director and the Director of Student Life).  Directors are also be available to answer questions or concerns in between this regular communication schedule.  Conference calls with both students and families present may be scheduled as necessary.

Mansfield Hall is conveniently located to each local college. Students will be within a short walk or a short bus ride from their campus, depending on where they choose to attend classes. Supports will be available to orient students to campus and ensure that they are able to locate their classrooms and arrive to class in a timely fashion.

As we recommend that students take a reduced course load during their first several semesters, students typically do not find themselves on a traditional four-year degree track, though some are able to supplement the reduced course load with summer courses. It is common for students to be in the Mansfield Hall community for one to three years before seeking a more traditional college track once they have developed the skills necessary for this undertaking.

Mansfield Hall’s Connections Program is specifically designed to address the needs of students who have completed the Mansfield Hall residential experience and are ready for the next step in their lives. We offer comprehensive services in the areas of student life and academics in a nonresidential format. This program allows Mansfield Hall to continue to meet the needs of our students and ensure enough support is in place once a student moves into the community and continues their collegiate career.

There are many post-secondary academic options available to students to help prepare them for an independent and productive life. If a student is not able to experience success with a traditional academic track, Mansfield Hall can work with the student to explore alternative educational tracks within the realm of Mansfield Hall, or may recommend that the family work with an educational consultant to explore other program options.